Touch ID


What is Touch ID?

Touch ID is an electronic fingerprint recognition feature. designed and launched by Apple Inc.

This feature allows users to unlock smartphones Tablet...exe using only their fingers, also it allows purchasing from the digital stores (the iTunes Store, the App Store, and the Apple Books Store) and apple pay.



In 2012, apple made a deal worth $356 million to acquire AuthenTec which is a company focused on developing fingerprint sensor technology and identity management software. The acquisition led followers to expect a new feature in Apple devices which is fingerprint reading, leaks and speculation continued until September 10, 2013, when Apple announced the first iPhone and the first smartphone in the world with a touch id (iPhone 5S).

Apple vice president of marketing Phil Schiller announced it at apples iPhone media event:

Since 2013, the Touch ID has become a part of all iPhones, starting with the iPhone 5S (except the Iphon X), On the other hand, it had become a part of iPad devices Started from 2014 with iPad air 2. Except for the third generation and beyond from other generations Where has it been replaced by Face ID.

on September 9, 2014, Apple launched the iPhone 6S and 6 Plus Touch ID was expanded from being used to unlock the device and purchasing from the digital stores to also Apple Pay. The iPhone 6S was equipped with a second-generation Touch ID sensor twice the speed of previous-generation in the iPhone 5S.

Touch ID module of an iPhone 6S
Touch ID module of an iPhone 6S

 then in 2016 Apple decided to introduce the first Mac Pro with a Touch ID in the right side of the touch bar. 

Touch ID mac pro


Touch ID hardware

Touch ID is built into the home button. which is made from Sapphire Crystal which makes it hard to scratch that sensor (Touch ID will not work if it scratched) its super thin170 microns-thin (To give an idea of how thin it is the average human hair is usually around 100 microns). The Sapphire Crystal act as a lens to precisely focus on your finger with high resolution 500 pixels per inch.

The steel ring around the home button detects your finger so the sensor knows when to read your fingerprint, while the sensor uses advanced capacitive touch to take high-resolution images from the sub-epidermal skin layers and no matter what orientation used to train it you can turn your finger and don't have to worry about it because it read it in any orientation(360-degrees), it then intelligently analyzes this information and categorise your print by one of three basic types arch loop or whorl then it maps individual details in the ridges that are smaller than the human eye can see and even inspects minor variations in ridge direction caused pores and edge structures. 

Security and Privacy

All fingerprint information is encrypted and stored inside the secure enclave inside the Apple A7, A8, A8X, A9, A9X, A10, A10X, A11, A12, A13 processors of an iOS device looked away from everything else accessible only by the Touch ID sensor so its never on Apple servers, or on iCloud.

In order to beat any potential security breaches, Apple's invention includes a process of collapsing the full maps into a sort of checksum, hash function, or histogramFor instance, every encrypted ridge map template can have some lower resolution pattern computed and associated with the ridge map. A typical pattern can be a histogram of, e.g., the most common angles (e.g., a 2 dimensional (2D) array of common angles). The perfect pattern could involve in each slot an average value over a respective vector of the map. The exemplary pattern can be included in each slot a sum of the values over a respective vector of the map. The perfect pattern will either have the smallest or largest value within a respective vector of the map or could be a difference between a largest and the smallest value within the respective vector of the map. there is a lot of other possible perfect embodiments, and any other exemplary pattern calculation can be used, where the exemplary pattern consists of enough associated information to narrow the candidate list while deleting associated information that the unsecured pattern cannot or cant easily be reverse engineered into a matching texture.

In September 2013, the German Chaos Computer Club declared that it had bypassed Apple's Touch ID security. A speaker for the group stated: "We hope that this finally puts to rest the illusions people have about fingerprint biometrics. Its plain pity to use something that you can't change and that you leave everywhere every day as a security token." the same results have been achieved by using PVA Glue to make a cast of the finger. additionally to Chaos Computer Club's Others have also used the same method but concluded that it is not an easy process in either time or effort, given that the user has to use a high-resolution photocopy of a complete fingerprint, special chemicals and expensive equipment, and because the spoofing process takes some time to attain.

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